Finely Crafted Realty

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Us? Host an event? No... never...

​We got ​carried away yet again. Imagine if a local, hand-crafted GELATO TRUCK came rolling down your street, put it in park, and opened up shop. On a hot Sunday afternoon, no less. 

​It was so perfect, we had to make it happen. Of course​, we coupled it with our Sunday open house hours. Villas at Claymont Springs is close to being finished out but we're not quite there yet. There are still some excellent lot options and spec homes to choose from. Two of our specs ​are totally move-in ready, so we had those on display for our gelato social attendees. 

​Every neighbor was invited and it was so neat watching everyone socialize and get to know one another. ​Everyone has built their home and moved in within the past year and a half, so it was great to see some people meet their neighbors for the first time. ​

What was ​really ​awesome, was seeing current residents talking with visitors. They ​​couldn't have been better representatives for our company and Key Homes. Coming one step closer to making a neighborhood complete is such an exciting thing. Villas at Claymont Springs, is truly a special community. 

​And BOY do we wish Spotz Gelato could hang out every Sunday.